deutsch | english
Ways in which you can support METI:
1 tree = 10 Euro
Donate a tree to improve the environment in
Bangladesh and support the future of a child.
In 20 years the tree is as valuable as a scholarship
for a year.

Yearly scholarship for a child = 20 Euro per month
or 240 Euro per year
Donate a scholarship and help a child towards
a good future.

70 Euro = Further education course for teachers
Good education needs qualified teachers.

Training = 150 Euro
Donate training for an unemployed young person
and give them a perspective for their future.
Donations account Germany:
Notes: METI-school
Partnerschaft Shanti-Bangadesch e.V.
Account Number: 77 28 684
Bank Code number: 600 50 101
BW-Bank Stuttgart

EU-standard transfer:
IBAN: DE40 6005 0101 0007 728684

Donations account Österreich:
Partnerschaft Shanti-Bangadesch e.V.
Account Number: 51453 516 701
Bank Code number: 12 000
Bank Austria Creditanstalt

Donations account Schweiz:
Account Number: 35288.30
Clearing-Nr.: 81251
Raiffeisenbank Grabs-Werdenberg